139Refreshing Google Mail From within the Gmail message list, tap (Refresh)at the bottom of the screen to refresh the screen, sendand receive new emails, and synchronize your emailwith the Gmail account.Other Gmail Options1. From the main Gmail screen, tap (Labels) at thebottom of the screen to set up and manage Labels foryour Gmail messages.2. From the main Gmail screen, tap (Search) at thebottom of the screen to search through your Gmailmessages.Composing a Gmail Message1. From the Home screen, tap ➔ (Gmail).2. From the Gmail Inbox, tap (Compose) at thebottom of the screen to create a new message.3. Enter the recipients Email address in the To field.Tip: Separate multiple recipient email addresses with acomma.4. Press and select Add Cc/Bcc to add a carbon orblind copy.5. Enter the subject of this message in the Subject field.6. Tap the Compose Mail field and begin composing yourmessage.7. Once complete, tap (Send).Viewing a Gmail Message1. From the Gmail Inbox, tap a message to view thefollowing options located at the bottom of the screen:• Archive : archives the selected Email.• Delete : deletes the currently selected Email.• Labels : assigns a label to the current Email.• Mark as Unread : tags the current message as unreadand returns you to the Google Mail Inbox.• Newer: swiping to the right displays newer Emails.• Older: swiping to the left displays older Emails.2. Press to select one of the following additionaloptions:• Change labels: changes the label on the email orconversation.