124MediaMedia6.5 Videos / Photos / Music - Additional Functions6.5.1 Sorting the file listsTo sort files in the file lists, select the (Sorting) icon in the top right of the screen by using the / // button. Then, press the [ ] button. The checks below indicate which media the sort criteria applyto.Sort Criteria Operation Videos Photos MusicFolder view Displays the whole folder. You can view the filename and thumbnail by selecting the folder.Title Sorts and displays the file title in Symbol/Number/Alphabet/Special order.Latest Date Sorts and shows files by the latest date.Earliest Date Sorts and shows files by the earliest date.Monthly Sorts and shows photo files by month.Artist Sorts the music file by artist in alphabeticalorder.Album Sorts the music file by album in alphabeticalorder.Genre Sorts music files by the Genre.c c cc c cc cc cccccDownloaded From TV-Manual.com Manuals