1116 After a moment, when the BluetoothPasskey (PIN Code) input windowappears on the computer to which thefile is transmitted, enter the numberyou entered in Step 4.7 After a moment, when the RequestFTP File Access Privilege windowappears on the computer to whichthe file is transmitted, click on thewindow. When the Select AccessPermission window appears, click theOK button.Usage Instructions Bluetooth devices to be connectedmust be within a 3m (10 ft.) distance. For a better communicationsenvironment, there should be no wallsor obstacles between the Bluetoothdevices. You can connect to only oneBluetooth device at a time for a phoneconnection, data syncing, electronicbusiness card exchange, FAXtransmission/reception, sound relatedfunctions, and serial port functions. Using the network connection orfile transmission function, multipleBluetooth devices can be connected.However, since connecting to multipledevices may slow down the data rateor make the connection unstable,connecting to one device at a time isrecommended. The Bluetooth function of a BluetoothPDA, mobile phone, mouse orkeyboard may be turned off. To usethem in connection with a Samsungcomputer supporting Bluetooth, youmust check if the Bluetooth function ofthe device to connect to is turned on.For the procedures on turning on theBluetooth function of a device, refer tothe relevant device manual. The services provided by Bluetoothdevices may vary depending on theircapabilities. For the services providedby the Bluetooth device, refer to thedevice manual.