1873 When the window appears allowingyou to select the operating system tobe installed, tap the Next button.The name of the operating systemmay differ depending on theWindows version.4 When the Software LicenseAgreement screen appears, selectAgree and click the Next button.5 When a window appears asking forthe location to install the operatingsystem to, select a disk drive partitionand tap the Next button.When previous Windowsinstallation files are in the selectedpartition, a message appearsinforming you that the files andfolders will be moved to theWindows.old folder. Click the OKbutton.6 The Windows installation continues.The computer will restart 3 timesduring the installation. If the Pressany key to boot from CD or DVD…message appears after a restart, donot press any button.7 The Windows user registration screenappears. Select the username andphoto and tap the Next button.8 Enter the computer name. Thewindow in which you can select theDesktop background appears. Enterthe contents and tap the Next button.9 The Windows automatic protectionsettings window appears. Configurethe setting according to yourrequirements.10The time and date settings windowappears. Tap the Next button.