MMC 35 ASSIGN STATION GROUPDescription:Used to assign members of a station group. There are several options that canbe selected for ringing, overflow, group transfer and overflow destination, grouptypes. There is a maximum of twenty (20) station groups.GROUP TYPES1 NORMAL GROUP2 VMAA GROUPOPTIONS DISPLAY RANGERing mode RINGOverflow time OVER 000 °≠ 250 secGroup transfer time TRSF 000 °≠ 250 secOverflow port NEXTGroup types TYPERING MODES DESCRIPTION1 SEQUENTIAL The first idle station listed in the group will ring. If thefirst is busy, the next idle station will ring.2 DISTRIBUTE The first call will ring the first station listed in the group.The next call will ring the next station listed in the group.3 CONDITION All the non busy stations listed in the group will ring.4 UNCONDITION All the stations listed in the group will ring. Busy stationswill receive off-hook ring.Action Display1. Press AUTO RDL and dial 35 500: RING :DISTDisplay shows ring mode of group 500(operator group)2. Using LINE1 or LINE2, select the stationgroup number(500 °≠519).501: RING: DISTNX-828 HYBRID KEY SYSTEM PROGRAMMING