Action Dispaly1. Press AUTO RDL and dial 45Display shows the free trunk selection modeMODE: DISTRIBUTE2. Press MUTE/DND or MSG to select the freetrunk selection modeORUsing KEYPAD, dial1 for DISTRIBUTE2 for High to Lowor 3 for Low to High.(e.g. 2)MODE: HIGH TO LOW3. Using LINE1 or LINE2, to select the trunk group(e.g. GRP80)GRP80 01:MMC 45 TRUNK GROUPDescription:Used to set free trunk selection type and to allow assignment to a specific trunkgroup or to several trunk groups. There are eleven (11) trunk groups, 9 and 80-89, and three modes of selecting free trunk line in the group.MODE DESCRIPTIONDISTRIBUTE Searches the trunk group in circular order. Each time thegroup is accessed, the next available trunk in the group isselected.HIGH TO LOW Searches the trunk group from last trunk to the first trunk inthe group. If the trunk is busy, the previous available trunk inthe group is selected.LOW TO HIGH Searches the trunk group. If the first trunk in the group isbusy, the next one is selected4. Press RDL or CONF to scroll the members ofthe group (e.g. 02)GRP80 02:5. Enter a valid trunk number (e.g. 709) GRP80 02:7096. Press AUTO RDL to save and exitNX-828 HYBRID KEY SYSTEM PROGRAMMING