2-2 Chapter 2Hardware DescriptionsCommon Control CardsPROCESSOR CARDSThe system requires a processor card (or cards) in order to operate. In a single cabinetsystem, only the Main Control Processor (MCP2) card is required. (See the Technologysection in Chapter 1 for a description of how Main Control Processor cards work.) When thesystem is expanded to two or three cabinets, an SCP2 card is also required in the maincabinet to assist the MCP2. Each expansion cabinet requires its own Local ControlProcessor (LCP2) card. These cards are described here.Main Control Processor Card (MCP2)The features of the MCP2 card are described in the table below.Table 2-1 MCP2 Card FeaturesItem DescriptionProcessor 32 bit, 80 MHzSIO Port(Asynchronous) Basic 2 port (SIO2,SIO3)SmartMedia Card 16 MBSRAM Basic : 4 MBSDRAM Basic : 64 MBHDLC Port for IPC Basic: InstalledTime switch Basic : 512x512 Ch.Expansion : 1024x1024 Ch.DaughterboardMounting LOC1, LOC2, LOC3The MCP2 is installed in the dedicated processor slot 10 of the first cabinet and has positionsfor three daughterboards (refer to table below).The first daughterboard position (LOC1) can support one of four types of daughterboard: aMulti-Frequency Module (MFM), a Switch/Conference Module (SCM), an R2/CID Module(RCM2), or an Expanded Switching Module (ESM). The ESM must be installed in thisposition on the card in a multiple cabinet system, or in a single cabinet systemrunning ‘L’ version software.The second daughterboard position (LOC2) can support the MFM, the SCM, or the RCM2.The third daughterboard position (LOC3) can support an MFM, SCM, RCM2, orMiscellaneous (MISC) daughterboard.