5-4 Chapter 5Hotel FeaturesPrint Room BillRoom bills (invoices) are printed automatically when a guest is checked out (see Check Out).However, you may wish to print a bill without checking out the guest. The Check Out featurealso provides a Print option for this. The bill is printed but charges continue to accrue on thebill until a check-out is completed.Remote Billing for Phones (RB Key)It is possible for a guest to make a phone call from a phone extension other than their own(e.g. a phone in the lobby) and have the call charged to their phone bill. The phone must beable to dial the front desk administrator / operator’s phone to request this service. Theadministrator’s phone should be set up to operate the Hotel remote billing feature.Room CostThe Room Cost feature allows you to program room types and item types, costs and taxrates. This is normally done at system installation time but can be reconfigured by the admin-istrator when these items and costs change or require updating. The values entered are usedto automatically calculate invoices either at check-out time or on demand.Room On HoldA special status that allows a guest to check out later than the programmed check-out timewithout incurring additional costs resulting from the automatic billing of a room on expiry ofthe system Check Out timer. (See Timers.)Room Status ReportsIt is possible to print a room status report on the printer you would normally use for printinginvoices. You can select which particular status to print (e.g. print a list of all occupied rooms)or print a report on the status of all rooms.Room Status View (RSV Key)This feature requires the addition of one or more add-on modules (AOMs) with LED keys as-signed to each room. Pressing an RSV key on the phone displays on the AOM(s) all roomsflagged with the requested status. For example, if you request to view all available rooms, allLED keys assigned to available rooms will light.Separating Phone ChargesThis option allows you to print a guest’s phone charges separately from other room charges.It is also possible to delete these charges from the final room invoice. For example, manyguests staying for business purposes may wish to pay for personal calls separately fromitems on their room bill. These call charges would not then appear on the final bill.Staff LocationThis feature requires the addition of one or more add-on modules (AOMs) with LED keys as-signed to each room. When the administrator presses the programmed SLOCATE key on thekeyset, the relevant keys will light on the attached AOM(s) to show the rooms in which mem-bers of staff are currently located. For this to work correctly, members of staff must have en-tered a feature code and staff code from the guest-room phone.