Safety Concerns OfficeServ 500 Wireless LAN Service Manual/Ed.00Page VI © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.CautionCautions against unpacking and assembling the product components- Do not give excessive shock on the product.- Check each connector and screw very carefully when reassembling after thecomponents are unpacked once. The reassembled product shall not have anyspaces between the housing and the base.Cautions against mounting the 8WLI cardThe 8WL card can be installed in the OfficeServ 500 System. Do not use this card onother systems.Cautions against installing the desk WBS24When putting the WBS24 on the desk, do not install the WBS24 at an unstablelocation or on a smaller prop than the WBS24 system.Caution when setting the WBS24 SECOND IPTo use the Internet network, the first three digits of the IP assigned to the WBS24 andthe first three digits of the SECOND WBS IP of the WBS24 must be identical. If the IPassigned to the WBS24 and the Station is, then the SECOND WBSIP of the WBS24 shall be against the roaming of the WBS24If the PC is roamed to another WBS24 while upgrading, the upgrade will beinterrupted and the flash memory will not be functioning. Accordingly, locate the PCas close as possible from the WBS24. To prevent roaming to another WBS24, it isrecommended that all of the WBS24 power should be turned off for safety.Prevention of executing the ‘flo’ commandIf the ‘flo’ command is executed, the power of all base stations connected to the 8WLIcard is turned off and their wireless LAN function will be interrupted.CAUTION