English - Operating the DTV MenuViewing the DTV MenuAfter installing your antenna system and TV with appropriateconnectors. Plug in the AC main power and switch on the TV. Press the MENU button to display the menu.Press the ▲ or ▼ button to select Digital Menu, then press theENTER button.The main menu appears on the screen. Its left side has fouricons: Guide, Digital Channel, Setup, and Language.1. Digital ChannelThis menu consists of 5 sub-menus:Country, Auto Store, Manual Store, Edit FavouriteChannels, and Channel List. Press the ▲ or ▼ button to select Channel, then pressthe ENTER button. The Channel menu is displayed.1.1 Country Press the ENTER button. The Country menu is displayed.Select your country by pressing the ▲ or ▼ button, thenpress the ENTER button. Even though you have changed the country settingin this menu, the country setting for Analog TV is notchanged.(Refer to page 10)1. Auto StoreYou can update the channel list when the broadcaster addsnew services or if you move the TV to a new location. Press the ENTER button to select Auto Store. Pressthe ENTER button again to start the search. When it hasfinished, the number of scanned services will be displayed.− The existing favourite channel list will not be deletedwhen the channel list is updated.− To stop the scan before it has finished, press theENTER button with Stop selected. If the signal status is poor, No service found! Check theaerial connection. message is displayed.1. Manual StoreYou can specify the channel for a fast channel search. − ChannelPress the ▲, ▼ or numeric buttons (0~9) to select achannel.The available channels are 21~68. The correspondingfrequency for the selected channel is automatically set.− FrequencyIf you do not know the exact frequency, follow the abovestep to select the frequency automatically using channel.− BandwidthThe available bandwidths are 7 and 8 MHz.Continued...Country : United Kingdom Auto Store Manual Store Edit Favourite Channels Channel List ChannelMove Enter ReturnDTVCountry : United Kingdom Auto Store Manual Store Edit Favourite Channels Channel List ChannelMove Enter ReturnDTVAuto StoreReturn0%Services found: 0 Channel: -StartDTVCountry : United Kingdom Auto Store Manual Store Edit Favourite Channels Channel List ChannelMove Enter ReturnDTVChannel Frequency Bandwidth5 1500 KHz MHzManual StoreAdjust ReturnSearchDTVMove Enter ExitGuideDigital ChannelSetupLanguageDigital MenuT V