Machine setup22212. Menu Overview and Advanced Features3General SettingsSome menus may differ from your machine depending on its options ormodels.Before using the machine, set up the general settings, as follows:Press Machine Setup > General Settings from the display screen.Feature DescriptionDate and Timea Allows you to set the date and time. The date andtime you set in this option will be used for sending/printing delayed fax/print jobs or will be printed onreports.Power Saver Allows you to reduce energy consumption. If you setthis option, the machine goes into power savingmode when not in use.• Power Save (minutes): When you are not usingthe machine for a while, use this option to savepower. The machine conserves more power inPower Save option than in Low Power Savemode.• Low Power Save (minutes): Low Power Saveoption allows your machine to save power. Whenyou are not using the machine for a while, someparts of the machine automatically enter LowPower Save option. Low Power Save optionconserves less power than Power Save option.• Performance Optimization: When this option isOn, you can wake up the machine from thepower saving mode with the following actions:- Pressing (Power/Wakeup)on the controlpanel.- Loading paper in a tray.- Opening or closing the cover.- Pulling a tray out or pushing a tray in.- Place the originals in the DSDF.- Plug in the USB Drive device.Feature Description