13. Installation4213-2. Outdoor unitCAUTION• You should connect the power cable into the power cable terminal and fasten it with a clamp.• The unbalanced power must be maintained within 2% of supply rating.– If the power is unbalanced greatly, it may shorten the life of the condenser. If the unbalanced power is exceeded over 4% of supply rating, the indoor unit isprotected, stopped and the error mode indicates.• To protect the product from water and possible shock, you should keep the power cable and the connection cord of the indoor and outdoor units within ducts.(with appropriate IP rating and material selection for your application)• Ensure that main supply connection is made through a switch that disconnects all poles, with contact gap of a least 0.12 in.• Devices disconnected from the power supply should be completely disconnected in the condition of overvoltage category.• Keep distances of 1.97 in. or more between power cable and communication cable.Silence mode controller wiring diagramƊƊǽAͱ͝ϩθͱ̷ͱЇϩƊ̷̈ʪ͝ʀʪđͱʒʪAͱ͝ϩθͱ̷̷ʪθĮЇϩʒͱͱθЇ̈͝ϩWiring Diagram of Connection Cord1 phaseoutdoor unit1(L) 2(N) NLL1 L2 L1 L2L(L1) N(L2)Indoor UnitMain powercable Cable clampIndoorPowerCommunicationcableCabletieLF2ߢǤߣǤF3F4F1NNOTE• Lay the electrical wiring so that the front cover does not rise up when doing wiring work and attach the front cover securely.• Ground wire for the indoor unit and outdoor unit connection cable must be clamped to a soft copper tin-plated eyelet terminal with M4 screw hole(NOT SUPPLIED WITH UNIT ACCESSORIES).