4313. Installation13-2. Outdoor unitĘͱ͔̈͝ɇ̷ʒ͔̈ʪ͝ϑ̈ͱ͝ϑ˙ͱθʀɇɵ̷ʪࣄ͔͔ࠟ࣍̈͝ʀ˵ࠟ࣎ࣅĘͱ͔̈͝ɇ̷ʒ͔̈ʪ͝ϑ̈ͱ͝ϑ˙ͱθϑʀθʪиࣄ͔͔࣍̈͝ʀ˵࣎ࣅB D ߢʒ E F ø ߣʒ tƊϩɇ͝ʒɇθʒʒ͔̈ʪ͝ϑ̈ͱ͝ࣄ͔͔࣍̈͝ʀ˵࣎ࣅ̷̷ͱиɇ͝ʀʪࣄ͔͔࣍̈͝ʀ˵࣎ࣅƊϩɇ͝ʒɇθʒʒ͔̈ʪ͝ϑ̈ͱ͝ࣄ͔͔࣍̈͝ʀ˵࣎ࣅ̷̷ͱиɇ͝ʀʪࣄ͔͔࣍̈͝ʀ˵࣎ࣅƊϩɇ͝ʒɇθʒʒ͔̈ʪ͝ϑ̈ͱ͝ࣄ͔͔࣍̈͝ʀ˵࣎ࣅ̷̷ͱиɇ͝ʀʪࣄ͔͔࣍̈͝ʀ˵࣎ࣅࢋđ̈͝ࣄ͔͔࣍̈͝ʀ˵࣎ࣅࢋđ̈͝ࣄ͔͔࣍̈͝ʀ˵࣎ࣅࢋđɇуࣄ͔͔࣍̈͝ʀ˵࣎ࣅƊϩɇ͝ʒɇθʒʒ͔̈ʪ͝ϑ̈ͱ͝ࣄ͔͔࣍̈͝ʀ˵࣎ࣅ̷̷ͱиɇ͝ʀʪࣄ͔͔࣍̈͝ʀ˵࣎ࣅࢋđ̈͝ࣄ͔͔࣍̈͝ʀ˵࣎ࣅ4/6(0.006/0.009)4(3/8) 9.5(3/8)±0.2 (±0.007) 5.6(1/4) +0.3(+0.011)-0.2(-0.007) 3.4(1/8) ±0.2 (±0.007) 6 (1/4)5 (3/16) 20 (3/4) 4.3 (3/16)+0.2(+0.007)0(0) 0.9 (0.03)8(3/16) 15(9/16) 9 (3/8) 28.5 (1-1/8) 8.4 (1-3/16) +0.4 (+0.015)0(0)10(0.01) 8(3/16) 15(9/16) ±0.2 (±0.007) 7.1(1/4) +0.3(+0.011)-0.2(-0.007) 4.5(3/16) ±0.2 (±0.007) 7.9 (5/16) 9 (3/8) 30(1-3/16) 8.4 (1-3/16) +0.4 (+0.015)0(0) 1.15 (0.04)16(0.02) 8(3/16) 16(10/16) ±0.2 (±0.007) 9(3/8) +0.3(+0.011)-0.2(-0.007) 5.8(1/4) ±0.2 (±0.007) 9.5 (5/16) 13 (1/2) 33(1-5/16) 8.4 (1-3/16) +0.4(+0.015) 0(0) 1.45 (0.05)25(0.03)8(3/16) 12(1/2)±0.3 (±0.011) 11.5(7/16) +0.5(+0.019)-0.2(-0.007) 7.7(5/16) ±0.2 (±0.007) 11 (3/8)15 (5/8) 34(1-3/8)8.4 (1-3/16) +0.4 (+0.015)0(0) 1.7 (0.06)8(3/16) 16.5(10/16) 13 (1/2) 8.4 (1-3/16)35(0.05)8(3/16) 16(10/16)±0.3 (±0.011) 13.3(1/2) +0.5(+0.019)-0.2(-0.007) 9.4(3/8) ±0.2 (±0.007) 12.5 (1/2)13 (1/2) 38 (1-1/2) 8.4 (1-3/16) +0.4 (+0.015)0(0) 1.8 (0.07)8(3/16) 22(7/8) 13 (1/2) 43(1- 11/16) 8.4 (1-3/16)50(0.07) 8(3/16) 22(7/8) ±0.3 (±0.011) 13.5(1/2) +0.5(+0.019)-0.2(-0.007) 11.4(7/16) ±0.3 (±0.011) 17.5 (11/16) 14 (9/16) 50 (2) 8.4 (1-3/16) + 0.4(+0.015)0(0) 1.8 (0.07)70(0.10) 8(3/16) 24(1) ±0.4 (±0.015) 17.5(11/16) +0.5(+0.019)-0.4(-0.015) 13.3(1/2) ±0.4 (±0.015) 18.5 (3/4) 20 (3/4) 51 (2) 8.4 (1-3/16) + 0.4(+0.015)0(0) 2.0 (0.078)• Connect the rated cables only.• Connect using a driver which is able to apply the rated torque to the screws.• If the terminal is loose, fire may occur caused by arc. If the terminal is connected too firmly, the terminal may be damaged.Ɵ̈˝˵ϩʪ̈͝͝˝ƟͱθαЇʪM4 ʀ͔࣎ࡔ̧࣍˝˙ߡࢋߩߢॄߡࢋߣߢ ˙ϩ࣎ࡔ̷࣍ɵ˙ߡߤࢋߢॄߧߩࢋߡ AC power : 1(L), 2(N), L, N / Communication : F1, F2उ CAUTION• When connecting cables, you can connect the cables to the electrical part or connect them through the holes below depending on the spot.• ŵЇ͝ϩθɇ͝ϑ͔̈ϑϑ̈ͱ͝ӥθ̈͝˝ɵʪϩиʪʪ͝ϩ˵ʪ̈͝ʒͱͱθɇ͝ʒͱЇϩʒͱͱθЇ̈͝ϩϑϩ˵ θͱЇ˝˵ɇʀͱ͝ʒЇ̈ϩϩͱΧθͱϩʪʀϩɇ˝ɇ̈͝ϑϩʪуϩʪθ͝ɇ̷˙ͱθʀʪϑࡡɇ͝ʒ˙ʪʪʒϩ˵ ʪʀͱ͝ʒЇ̈ϩϩ˵θͱЇ˝˵ϩ˵ʪиɇ̷̷ϩͱ˝ʪϩ˵ʪθӥϩ˵θʪ˙θ̈˝ʪθɇ͝ϩΧ̈Χ̈͝˝ࢋ• Remove all burrs at the edge of the knock-out hole and secure the cable to the outdoor knock-out using lining and bushing with an electrical insulation suchas rubber and so on.• Must keep the cable in a protection tube.• Keep distances of 1.97 in. or more between power cable and communication cable.• When the cables are connected through the hole, remove the Plate bottom.Connecting the Power Terminal• Connect the cables to the terminal board using the compressed ring terminal.• Cover a solderless ring terminal and a connector part of the power cable and then connect it. Silver solder