66• Open: Open the linked page.• Navigate: Select Backward to return to the previous page, Reloadto reload the current page or Homepage to return to the defaulthomepage.• Smart-width view / Standard view: Use Smart-width view to betterfit a wide web page to your phone screen.• View Favourites: Shows the Favourites list. You can bookmark thecurrent page or access previously bookmarked pages.• Add to Favourites: Add the selected URL to your Favourites list.• Enter URL: Enter a URL address. Press Go to display therequested page.• Advanced:– History: Displays your browser history (lists URL addressesaccessed).– Send URL via: Create a text message that includes the URL ofthe current page or send it to a Bluetooth device.– Save: Save an image to the Pictures folder or save the webpage URL.– Saved pages: View the web page URLs you have saved. PressOptions to View, Rename, or Delete a URL.– Page Details: Display details about the current page, such astitle, address, size.• Browser Settings: Change various browser settings.– Clear Caches: Deletes the information stored in the cache. Thecache stores the most recently accessed web pages.– Cookies• Empty Cookies: Deletes cookies. A cookie is a small piece ofdata sent from a website and stored in the browser whilevisiting a website. When you visit the same website again, thedata stored in the cookie can be retrieved by the website toinform it of your previous activity.• Cookie Options: Sets whether cookies are stored on yourphone (Accept All or Reject All). If you select Prompt, thephone asks you to save the cookies on every page requiringcookies.– Clear session storage: Clear any storage allocated in this session.– Preferences: Specifies whether to run JavaScript, displayimages, play sound, or run Flash. Uncheck these items to speedup web viewing on your phone.– Browser Profiles: Indicates the current browser profile. For moreinformation, refer to “Changing the WAP Profiles” onpage 69.– About Browser: Displays the Access version and copyrightinformation about the browser.