162 3C. Entertainment: TV and Music9. If I put on my stereo headset and insert it into the phone’sheadset jack, can I close the phone while I am playing anaudio (or video) clip without interrupting the clip?Yes. When you insert your stereo headset into thephone’s headset jack, the phone automaticallygoes into “headset mode,” allowing you to closethe phone and continue playing the clip. (Likewise,if your phone is in “headset mode,” a phone callwill not disconnect when you close the phone.)10. Can I surf to a different channel while I am playing a clip?Yes. While you are playing a clip, you can use theup and down navigation keys to surf to a differentchannel. You will see a small pop-up screen thattells you which channel you are watching as wellas other channels that you have access to. Use thenavigation keys to scroll through the differentchannels. Once you find a channel that you wantto watch, scroll to it and press (or simply waitapproximately three seconds), and the channel willbegin loading.e seconds), and the channel willbegin loading.Music - Sprint Music StoreThe Sprint Music Store enables you to purchase anddownload digital music files to play on your phone orcomputer.Accessing the Sprint Music StoreYou can access the Sprint Music Store right from yourphone’s main menu, anywhere on the NationwideSprint Network. When you enter the store for the firsttime, the system will prompt you to set up your useridentification and password.1. Highlight and press > Entertainment >Music.2. Follow the onscreen instructions to establish yourUser ID and password.Tip Your User ID for the Sprint Music Store is your10-digit wireless phone number. The password maybe any 4-digit number.Sprint M560.book Page 162 Tuesday, March 2, 2010 3:37 PM