M560_CJ29_PS_030210_F9Consejo Para encontrar esta guía para usuarios en español, por favorvisita www.sprint.com y haz clic en Support> Phones &Devices.To find this user guide in Spanish, please visit www.sprint.comand click Support > Phones & Devices.Important Important Privacy Message – Sprint’s policies often do notapply to third-party applications. Third-party applications mayaccess your personal information or require Sprint to discloseyour customer information to the third-party applicationprovider. To find out how a third-party application will collect,access, use, or disclose your personal information, check theapplication provider’s policies, which can usually be found ontheir website. If you aren’t comfortable with the third-partyapplication’s policies, don’t use the application.Sprint M560.book Page B Tuesday, March 2, 2010 3:37 PM