28E27Press theENTERbutton.PRIVACY NO. 0POSITION SET ON...SIZE …LOCATION …EXIT QUIT❖ The rim of the screen cannot be hidden by thePRIVACY ZONE area. Please be careful for setup.❖ It is recommended to deactivate the DIS function in theno vibration environment.You shall set up the position of ZOOM/FOCUS in thePRIVACY ZONE area from the POSITION SET menu. PressUP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT key to size the PRIVACY ZONEarea from the SIZE menu. Press UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHTkey to locate the PRIVACY ZONE area from the LOCATIONmenu.✔ EXT...This menu automatically converts the COLOR Mode intothe BW Mode or vice versa depending on illumination withan external sensor. If you select the EXIT menu and pressthe [Enter] key, the EXTERNAL BW submenu will appearon the menu screen. You will be able to send out theBURST signal by turning on or off in this menu.Press theENTERbutton.(EXTERNAL BW)BURST ONRETCAMERA ID OFFIRIS ALC...SHUTTER OFFAGC LOWWHITE BAL ATW1FOCUS MODE AFMOTION DET OFFCOLOR/BW EXT...PRIVACY OFFSPECIAL ...PRESET ...EXIT QUITPress theENTERbutton.(PRIVACY MAP)0 1 2 34 5 6 7RETCAMERA ID OFFIRIS ALC…SHUTTER OFFAGC ---WHITE BAL ATW1FOCUS MODE AFMOTION DET OFFCOLOR/BW AUTO…PRIVACY OFFSPECIAL …PRESET …EXIT QUIT❙ PRIVACYThis function designates an area that may violate PRIVACYand hides it when the camera shoots a screen including thearea to protect Privacy. Up to 8 PRIVACY ZONEs areavailable for setup. After PRIVACY menu setup, pressENTER to enter the PRIVACY MAP screen. Now, pressUP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT key to choose one out of PRIVACY0~7 and press ENTER to enter the PRIVACY setup menu.❙ SPECIALIn SPECIAL menu, you can set the settings related to theVIDEO signals and various additional functions .CAMERA ID OFFIRIS ALC...SHUTTER OFFAGC LOWWHITE BAL ATWFOCUS MODE AFMOTION DET OFFCOLOR/BW COLOR...PRIVACY ...SPECIAL ...PRESET ...EXIT QUITPress theENTERbutton.(SPECIAL)POSI/NEGA +DIS OFFREVERSE OFFDETAIL (0)--I-Y-LEVEL (0)I--------C-LEVEL (0)I--------OTHER SET ...RET- POSI/NEGA : Output as it is or mirror the video brightness signal.- DIS : Digital Image Stabilization. Compensates hand shiveringerrors.- REVERSE : Mirrors video signals horizontally, vertically, or both.- DETAIL : Controls the horizontal or vertical distinction.- Y-LEVEL : It is used to set the levels for the Sync signal and theentire brightness signal of the video signal.