_ setupsetupIf <BACKLIGHT> is set to <BLC>, the MASK AREA function is not available.EXT : The interface to an external alarm enables an automatic switch betweenDAY and NIGHT mode.If you use an infrared light source while in AUTO mode, this may cause a failure inAUTO SWITCH or AUTO FOCUS.WhITe bAlIf you need to adjust the color according to the ambient illumination, you can use the<WHITE BAL> function.Illumination is generally referred to as color temperature, which is represented in ameasurement of kelvin (K). Color temperatures for ordinary lighting are as follows:In the <WHITE BAL> menu, you canset a mode for correcting the <WHITEBAL>.- ATW1,2 : If you set the <WHITEBAL> menu to <ATW1> or<ATW2> mode, this will monitorthe change of the color temperatureto correct the <WHITE BAL> asneeded.The following color temperatureranges are assured in individualmodes:ATW1 : 2500K ~ 9300K (1)ATW2 : 2000K ~ 10000K(suitable to sodium light source) (2)1 : With <ATW1> mode active in a color temperature environment rangingbeyond between 2500K and 9300K, a proper white balance value may not beproduced; if this is the case, you are recommended to use <ATW2> mode.2 : With <ATW2> mode active in a mostly single color environment, the displaycolor and the actual one may differ; so select a mode as appropriate to yourcolor temperature environment.M Blue skyRainyCloudySunnyPartly CloudyFluorescent lampHalogen lampTungsten lampCandlelight10000K9000K8000K7000K6000K5000K4000K3000K2000K1000K