English _EnglishSelect <CAMERA SET> - <WHITE BAL>.Select a mode where you set the <WHITE BAL>.DAY : You can set the RED, and BLUEvalue in DAY mode.The screen will be displayed in colorsaccording to your settings.You can set the R-GAIN, and B-GAINvalue only in <AWC> mode.NIGHT : You can set the <WHITE BAL>according to the ambient illumination.If NIGHT mode is set to <OFF>, the<WHITE BAL> will operate in a modespecified in DAY mode at all times;otherwise, the screen will switch to amode specified in <DAY/NIGHT>.You can set the RED, BLUE andBRIGHTNESS value in DAY mode.The screen will be displayed in colorsaccording to your settings.According to the specified recording mode, select a <WHITE BAL> mode withnecessary options.ATW1,2 : The camera can automatically adjust the color temperature in realtime, according to the ambient conditions.(Color temperature range 1: 2500K ~ 9300K, 2 : 2000K ~ 10000K)AWC : Pressing [ENTER] on a desired item will perform ATW once.You can set the R-GAIN/B-GAIN value.3200K : Set the color temperature to 3200K.5600K : Set the color temperature to 5600K.BRIGHTNESS : Specify a brightness level switching from DAY mode toNIGHR mode setting.RED : Adjust the strength of the red color.BLUE : Adjust the strength of the blue color.R-GAIN/B-GAIN : Specify the current color temperature manually.1.2.3.----WHITE BALDAY/NIGHT DAYMODE AWCRED [ 00] ---- I ----BLUE [ 00] ---- I ----R-GAIN [0064]B-GAIN [0064]WHITE BALDAY/NIGHT NIGHTBRIGHTNESS MIDMODE AWCRED [ 00] ---- I ----BLUE [ 00] ---- I ----R-GAIN [0064]B-GAIN [0064]