0_ setupsetupOTheR seTYou can reset the system by running FACTORY DEFAULTS, or set the font color etc.Select <MAIN MENU>-<OTHER SET>.Select each item and set appropriately.exTeRNAl TRGSet the EXTERNAL TRG menu to ON andpress the SETUP switch to display theappropriate screen.You can set the STILL TIME to 0~4 seconds.If DELAY TIME is set to FIX, the DELAY TImewill be set in sync with the STILL TIME; if setto USER, the DELAY TIme will be set to yoursetting.If VPS is set to OFF, the EXTERNAL TRGmenu will be deactivated.fACTORy defAUlTsWhen selected, the <FACTORY DEFAULTS>screen appears and you can reset all settings tothe factory default settings by selecting the <OK>.However, the protocol, baud rate, address and thelanguage settings will not be reset.Note that the resetting the system to thefactory default will erase all settings data.Osd COlORSelects the color of the on-screen display font.1.2.M M FACTORY DEFAULTSOK CANCEL OTHER SET EXTERNAL TRG (OFF)---FACTORY DEFAULTSOSD COLOR BWCTRL TYPE AEXTERNAL TRGSTILL TIME OFFDELAY TIME FIX