English _1EnglishCTRl TypeBy inputting the wire remote port, you may set up the A, B, C or D mode.Code Tele Wide Far NearA -6V +6V +6V -6VB -6V +6V -6V +6VC +6V -6V +6V -6VD +6V -6V -6V +6VCOmmUNICATIONYou can set the RS-485 communications setting in regard of the camera.Select <MAIN MENU>-<COMMUNICATION>.Select each item and set appropriately.PROTOCOL, BAUD RATE, ADDRESS :You can manually set the protocol, baudrate and address.sysTem INfOYou can check the system information.Select <MAIN MENU>-<SYSTEM INFO>.The current system information isdisplayed. COMMUNICATION RS485PROTOCOL SAMSUNGBAUD RATE 9600ADDRESS 0 SYSTEM INFO TYPE 4_ZOM_WDR_NPROTOCOL SAMSUNGADDRESS 0COMM. TYPE RS485, HALFBAUD RATE 9600SERIAL NO. 000000000000000CAMERA VER. v1.00_00000