17GGeettttiinngg SSttaarrtteedd16Getting StartedInstalling the UIM CardWhen you subscribe to a network, your are providedwith a plug-in UIM card loaded with yoursubscription details (CHV code, available optionalservice and so on).Important! The plug-in UIM card and its contactscan be easily damaged by scratches orbending, so be careful when handling,inserting or removing the card.Keep all UIM cards out of the reach ofsmall children.1. If necessary, switch off the phone by holdingdown until the power-off animation beginsplaying.2. Remove the battery. To do so:➀ Press and hold the catch above the battery onthe back of the phone.➁ Slide the battery toward the bottom of thephone and take it away.4. Insert the UIM card ensuring that the cut corner isat the top left and the gold contacts of the cardface into the phone. Replace the card holder.➁➀➀3. Slide the ivory lock in the UIM card holder towardsthe bottom of the phone to unlock the UIM cardholder and lift it up.➁5. Slide the ivory lock toward the top of the phone tolock the card holder.