132RReeffeerreennccee IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn133RReeffeerreennccee IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn• Use only Samsung-approved batteries andrecharge your battery only with Samsung-approvedchargers. When a charger is not in use, disconnectit from the power source. Do not leave the batteryconnected to a charger for more than a week,since overcharging may shorten its life.• Extreme temperatures will affect the chargingcapacity of your battery: it may require cooling orwarming first.• Do not leave the battery in hot or cold places, suchas in a car in summer or winter conditions, as youwill reduce the capacity and life-time of thebattery. Always try to keep the battery at roomtemperature. A phone with a hot or cold batterymay temporarily not work, even when the batteryis fully charged. Li-ion batteries are particularlyaffected by temperatures below 0 °C (32 °F).• Do not short-circuit the battery. Accidental shortcircuiting can occur when a metallic object (coin,clip or pen) causes a direct connection betweenthe + and - terminals of the battery (metal stripson the back of the battery), for example whenyou carry a spare battery in a pocket or bag.Short-circuiting the terminals may damage thebattery or the object causing the short-circuit.• Dispose of used batteries in accordance with localregulations. Always recycle. Do not dispose ofbatteries in a fire.Safety InformationRoad Safety• Remember, road safety always comes first!• Do not use a hand-held phone while driving avehicle. Always park the vehicle before having aconversation.• Make sure that the phone is stored safely and willnot fall or be broken in the event of a collision oremergency stop.• The use of an alert device to operate a vehicle’slights or horn on public roads is not permitted.• Only qualified personnel should install or servicethe phone in a vehicle. Faulty installation orservice may be dangerous and may invalidate anywarranty applicable to the unit.• Electronic fuel injection, anti-skid braking,electronic cruise control or any other electronicsystems may malfunction due to the lack ofprotection from radio signals. Check regularly thatall cellular phone equipment in your vehicle ismounted and operating correctly.