137136RReeffeerreennccee IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn• Do not attempt to open the phone. Non-experthandling of the phone may damage it.• Do not drop or knock the phone. Rough handlingmay damage the internal circuits.• Do not use harsh chemicals, cleaning solvents orstrong detergents to clean the phone. Wipe itwith a soft cloth slightly dampened in mild, soapywater.• If the phone or any of its accessories are notworking properly, take them to your nearestqualified service centre. The personnel there willassist you, and if necessary, arrange for the phoneto be repaired.Emergency CallsImportant! This phone, like any cellular phone, usesradio signals, cellular and landline networks, as wellas user-programmed functions that cannotguarantee connection in all conditions. Therefore,you should never rely solely on any cellular phonefor essential communications (medical emergenciesfor example).Remember, to make or receive any calls, the phonemust be switched on and in a service area withadequate cellular signal strength.Emergency calls may not be possible on all cellularphone networks or when certain network servicesand/or phone features are in use. Check with localcellular service providers.GlossaryAirtime - Actual time spent talking on the wirelessphone. Most carriers bill customers basedon how many minutes of airtime they useeach month.Antenna - A device for transmitting or receivingsignals. The size and shape of antennasis determined, in part, by the frequency ofthe signal they receive. Wireless phonesand the base station must have antennas.Base Station - The fixed radio transmitter/receiverthat maintains communications withmobile radio telephones within agiven area. (Typically called a cell orcell site)CDMA - (Code Division Multiple Access) A spread-spectrum approach to digital transmission.With CDMA, each conversion is digitizedand then tagged with a code. The mobilephone deciphers only a particular code topick the right conversation off the air. Thetransmitted signal is just above noise levelacross the available bandwidth.Channel - Communications signals transmit alongpaths called channels.Codec - Compression & Decompression.Deactivation - The process of rendering a wirelessphone inactive.