8584MMuullttiimmeeddiiaaPlannerThe Planner feature enables you to:• keep track of important dates and events.• create a list of things to do.• set the phone to ring at a specified time.• use the phone as a calculator.• check the time in another part of the world.Today 5-1You can schedule up to 9 events for the current dayand up to 70 events on the calendar, indicating eachevent’s start and end time. You can even have yourphone's calendar alert you before an eventcommences. Events scheduled for future datesautomatically appear on your Today schedule on thatday.Scheduling a New Event1. Enter your event contents and press the Next softkey.For further details about entering characters, seepage 45.2. Enter the start time and date using the numeric keysand press the Down key.You need to enter the time in 12-hour format. Pressthe key for toggle between A (AM) and P (PM).Note: You can move through the input fields usingthe Navigation keys.My List: shows the list of downloaded files from theweb server.Picture 4-3You can download pictures from the wireless web andview them.You can use the downloaded pictures as backgroundimages in the Wallpaper menu ( 8-2). For furtherdetails, see page 107.The following options are available:Download: allows you to download images from theweb server given by your service provider.My List: shows the list of downloaded files from theweb server.Ringtone 4-4You can download tones and melodies from the wirelessweb and play them.You can use the downloaded melodies as a call ringer inthe Ringer Type menu ( 7-2). For further details,see page 104.The following options are available:Download: allows you to download tones and melodiesfrom the web server given by your service provider.My List: shows the list of downloaded files from theweb server.