111110SSoouunnddssGamesYou can enjoy two fun games, Fun Bowling ( 9-1)and Space War ( 9-2), on your phone.1. Select a game by pressing the Up or Down key andpress the Select soft key.The phone displays the following options:• Newgame: allows you to start a new game.• HighScore: shows you the high score list.• Key Info.: gives you the key helper screen to playthe game.• Continue: allows you to continue the last gameyou played. This option is activated only whenyou have already played a game.2. Select Newgame or Continue by using thenumeric keys.3. For Fun Bowling, you can select the game type,frame type and ball type. Press the Up or Down keyto scroll to an option and then press the left or rightsoft key.For Space War, press the left or right soft key tostart the game.4. While playing a game:To Press theadjust the game volume Volume keys on the leftside of your phone.stop the game CLR or key.DDiissppllaayyLCD Contrast 8-6This menu allows you to adjust the brightness of themain and external LCD screens to see them better indifferent lighting conditions.To adjust the contrast:1. Select Main or Sub by pressing the Navigationkeys and press the Select soft key.2. Adjust the contrast value by pressing the Navigationkeys.3. Press the Save soft key to save the setting.Date On/Off 8-7This menu allows you to set whether or not the currenttime and date display on the idle screen.Select On to display the current time and date,otherwise Off.