89PPllaannnneerr88PPllaannnneerrViewing Your ScheduleSelect a day with scheduled events on the calendar,referring to “Scrolling Through the Calendar” on page87 and press the View soft key. The first event storedfor that day displays.Press the Left or Right key to view the previous or nextevent. To view the start time and end time, press theUp or Down key.While viewing the event, press the MENU soft key touse the following options:Edit: allows you to edit the event.Delete: allows you to delete the event.Delete All: allows you to delete all of the events.Task List 5-3This feature allows you to enter a list of tasks youneed to do and assign both a deadline and a priority tothem.Creating a New Task1. Enter a task and press the Next soft key to confirm.For further details about entering characters, seepage 45.Creating a New ScheduleYou can store up to 70 events total in the scheduler,with up to 9 events for one day.1. Select a day on the calendar, referring to “ScrollingThrough the Calendar” on page 87 and press theView soft key.2. Enter your event contents and press the Next softkey.For further details about entering characters, seepage 45.3. Enter the start time and date using the numeric keysand press the Down key.You need to enter the time in 12-hour format. Pressthe key for toggle between A (AM) and P (PM).Note: You can move through the input fields usingthe Navigation keys.4. Enter the end time and date by using the numerickeys and press the Down key.5. Select when the alarm will inform you of the event,by pressing the Left or Right key. When you selectNo Alarm, the phone does not sound the alarm.6. Press the Save soft key to store your event.