91PPllaannnneerr90PPllaannnneerrMemo Pad 5-4This menu allows you to write down memos aboutanything that you need to remember.Writing a New Memo1. Enter the memo contents.For further details about entering characters, seepage 45.2. Press the Save soft key to store the memo.Viewing a MemoThe list of your memos displays when you access theMemo Pad menu ( 5-4).While viewing the memo list, press the Navigationkeys to scroll to a memo and:• Press the View soft key to view details. You canmove to the previous or next memo by pressing theNavigation keys.While viewing the memo, press the MENU soft keyto use the following options:Edit: allows you to edit the memo.Delete: allows you to delete the memo.Delete All: allows you to delete all of the memos.2. Enter the time and date by which the task needs tobe done by using the numeric keys and press theDown key.You need to enter the time in 12-hour format. Pressthe key for toggle between A (AM) and P (PM).Note: You can move through the input fields usingthe Navigation keys.3. Select a high or low priority using the Left or Rightkey and press the Save soft key to store the task.Viewing a TaskThe list of tasks displays when you access the TaskList menu ( 5-3).While viewing the task list, press the Navigation keysto scroll to a task and:• Press the View soft key to view details. You canmove to the previous or the next task by pressingthe Navigation keys.While viewing the task, press the MENU soft keyto use the following options:Edit: allows you to edit the task.Delete: allows you to delete the task.Delete All: allows you to delete all of the tasks.• Press the MENU soft key to use the followingoptions:Add New: allows you to add a new task.Delete: allows you to delete the selected task.Delete All: allows you to delete all of the tasks.