46 Section 7: MessagingSection 7Types of MessagesThe i830 is capable of sending e‐mail and text messages. Tosend e‐mail using ActiveSync, you’ll first need to installActiveSync to your PC, and then create a Standard Partnership.To send e‐mail direct, configure the i830 to connect with yourexisting Internet Service Provider’s POP3 server. Send textmessages by simply entering the phone number of the recipientin the To: <....> field of the message composer when creating anew message.Messaging InboxAll incoming messages arrive and are stored in the Inbox untildeleted. If memory is full, new messages are rejected. Deleteolder messages to free up space for incoming messages. TheInbox has three sub menus at the bottom of the screen labeledNew, Tools, and Accounts. The following sections cover each ofthese sub menus in more detail.Messaging OutboxYour phone stores messages in the Outbox, regardless ofwhether the message was successfully transmitted. Verify ifand when a message or e‐mail was successfully transmitted byenabling the Delivery Ack feature.Note: Delivery Ack may not be available on all GSM networks and whenroaming off the Verizon Wireless Network.Text MessagesYou can send and receive text messages to other users withSMS capability. Text messaging, also known as SMS (ShortMessage Service) can be sent from one device to another byaddressing the message to the recipient’s phone number.Messaging47Section 7: MessagingSection 7Create and send a text message1. From the phone screen, tap Tools and select Send TextMessage.2. Enter the phone number(s) of up to ten recipient(s) in the To:field. Place a semicolon between numbers, if more than one.3. Tap the Subj: field and enter a title for the message.4. Tap the message area and enter a message using the desiredmethod of input. When finished, tap the double drop downarrows to the right of the Subj: field.5. Tap the drop down arrow next to Account and make sure thatText Messages is selected.6. If you would like a delivery confirmation that the message wasdelivered, tap Tools and select Options. Tap the check boxnext to Request message delivery notification.7. Tap Send to send the message.Note: There is a 160-character limit for text messages. The limit applies only tomessages sent using Text Messaging and not Pocket Outlook or other E-mailclients. If you send an SMS message with more than 160 characters, themessage truncates after the first 160 characters. Remaining characters are sentin separate messages until all characters have been sent. Charges apply inaccordance with the sender’s and the recipient’s calling plans.MessagingVoice mail allows callers to leave voice messages, which can beretrieved any time. The procedure for checking voice mailvaries, depending upon the mode of operation (GSM orCDMA). Once your voice mail account has been set up, you canuse the SMS Inbox folder (under the Message menu) to viewdetails of voice messages in your voice mailbox.