Troubleshooting9.5Paper stickstogether.• Ensure that there is not too much paper in thepaper input tray. The paper input tray can hold upto 250 sheets of paper, depending on the thicknessof your paper.• Make sure that you are using the correct type ofpaper. See page 3.2.• Remove paper from the paper input tray and flex orfan the paper.• Humid conditions may cause some paper to sticktogether.Multiple sheets ofpaper do not feed.• Different types of paper may be stacked in thepaper input tray. Load paper of only one type, size,and weight.• If multiple sheets have caused a paper jam, clearthe paper jam. See page 9.1.Paper does not feedinto the machine.• Remove any obstructions inside the machine.• Paper has not been loaded correctly. Remove paperfrom the paper input tray and reload it correctly.• There is too much paper in the paper input tray.Remove excess paper from the paper input tray.• The paper is too thick. Use only paper that meetsthe specifications required by the machine. Seepage 3.2.The paper keepsjamming.• There is too much paper in the paper input tray.Remove excess paper from the tray. If you areprinting on special materials, use the manualfeeder.• An incorrect type of paper is being used. Use onlypaper that meets the specifications required by themachine. See page 3.2.• There may be debris inside the machine. Open thefront cover and remove the debris.Transparencies sticktogether in thepaper exit.Use only transparencies specifically designed for laserprinters. Remove each transparency as it exits fromthe machine.Envelopes skew orfail to feedcorrectly.Ensure that the paper guides are against both sides ofthe envelopes.Condition Suggested solutions Printing problemsCondition Possible cause Suggested solutionsThemachinedoes notprint.The machine isnot receivingpower.Check the power cord connections. Checkthe power switch and the power source.The machine isnot selected asthe defaultprinter.Select Samsung SCX-4200 Series asyour default printer in your Windows.Check the machine for the following:• The front cover is not closed. - Close the front cover.• Paper is jammed. - Clear the paper jam. See page 9.1.• No paper is loaded. - Load paper. See page 2.3.• The toner cartridge is not installed. - Install the tonercartridge. See page 2.2.If a printer system error occurs, contact your servicerepresentative.The connectioncable betweenthe computerand the machineis not connectedproperly.Disconnect the printer cable andreconnect it.The connectioncable betweenthe computerand the machineis defective.If possible, attach the cable to anothercomputer that is working properly andprint a job. You can also try using adifferent printer cable.The port settingis incorrect.Check the Windows printer setting tomake sure that the print job is sent to thecorrect port, for example, LPT1. If thecomputer has more than one port, makesure that the machine is attached to thecorrect one.The machinemay beconfiguredincorrectly.Check the printer properties to ensurethat all of the print settings are correct.The printerdriver may beincorrectlyinstalled.Repair the printer software. See theSoftware Section.The machine ismalfunctioning.Check the display message on the controlpanel to see if the machine is indicating asystem error.