Basic Printing11Extras TabYou can select output options for your document. See “Printinga Document” on page 7 for more information about accessingthe printer properties.Click the Extras tab to access the following feature:WatermarkYou can create a background text image to be printed on eachpage of your document. For details, see “Using Watermarks” onpage 15.OverlayOverlays are often used to take the place of preprinted forms andletterhead paper. For details, see “Using Overlays” on page 16.Output Options• Print Subset: You can set the sequence in which the pagesprint. Select the print order from the drop-down list.- Normal(1,2,3): Your printer prints all pages from the firstpage to the last page.- Reverse All Pages(3,2,1): Your printer prints all pages fromthe last page to the first page.- Print Odd Pages: Your printer prints only the odd numberedpages of the document.- Print Even Pages: Your printer prints only the evennumbered pages of the document.123123About TabUse the About tab to display the copyright notice and theversion number of the driver. If you have an Internet browser,you can connect to the Internet by clicking on the web site icon.See “Printing a Document” on page 7 for more informationabout accessing printer properties.Printer TabIf you access printer properties through the Printers folder,you can view the Printer tab. You can set the printerconfiguration.The following procedure is for Windows XP. For other WindowsOS, refer to the corresponding Windows User's Guide or onlinehelp.1 Click the Windows Start menu.2 Select Printers and Faxes.3 Select your printer driver icon.4 Right-click on the printer driver icon and selectProperties.5 Click the Printer tab and set the options.High Altitude CorrectionIf your printer is going to be used at a high altitude, checking thisoption will optimize the print quality for those circumstances.