Scanning_ 68For further details about the Image Manager application, refer to the onscreen help.TOOLS NAME FUNCTIONSave Saves the image.Undo Cancels your last action.Redo Restores the action you canceled.Scroll Allows you to scroll through the image.Crop Crops the selected image area.Zoom Out Zooms the image out.Zoom In Zooms the image in.Scale Allows you to scale the image size; you canenter the size manually, or set the rate to scaleproportionally, vertically, or horizontally.Rotate Allows you to rotate the image; you can selectthe number of degrees from the drop-down list.Flip Allows you to flip the image vertically orhorizontally.Effect Allows you to adjust the brightness or contrast ofthe image, or to invert the image.Properties Shows the properties of the image.