Troubleshooting_ 97Prepare newcartridgeSmall amount of toneris left in the indicatedcartridge. Theestimated cartridgelife of toner is close.Prepare a new cartridgefor a replacement. Youmay temporarily increasethe printing quality byredistributing the toner(See "Redistributingtoner" on page 91).Remove seal tape&Install TonerThe machine cannotdetect a tonercartridge.Remove the sealing tapefrom the toner cartridge.Refer to Quick InstallGuide.Replace Toner The toner cartridgehas almost reached itsestimated cartridgelife.You can choose betweenStop or Continue asshown on the controlpanel. If you select Stop,the printer stops printingand you cannot print anymore without changingthe cartridge. If you selectContinue, the printerkeeps printing but theprinting quality cannot beguaranteed.Replace the tonercartridge for the best printquality when thismessage appears. Usinga cartridge beyond thisstage can result inprinting quality issues(See "Replacing the tonercartridge" on page 107).Samsung does notrecommend usingnon-genuineSamsung tonercartridge such asrefilled orremanufactured.Samsung cannotguaranteenon-genuineSamsung tonercartridge's quality.Service or repairrequired as a resultof usingnon-genuineSamsung tonercartridges will notbe covered underthe machinewarranty.MESSAGE MEANING SUGGESTEDSOLUTIONSReplace newFuser unitThe life of the fuserunit has expired.Replace the fuser unitwith a new one. Contactthe servicerepresentatives.Self DiagnosticsPlease waitThe engine in yourprinter is checkingsome problemsdetected.Please wait a fewminutes.Too many FaxesRemove JobToo many faxes arereceived.Remove received fax.MESSAGE MEANING SUGGESTEDSOLUTIONS