SCANNING6.2Scanning BasicsYour SCX-4x20 Series offers four ways to scan. These are:• From the control panel on your machine to an application:Use the Scan-to button on the control panel to initiatescanning. Assign the TWAIN-compliant software, such asAdobe Photo Deluxe or Adobe Photoshop, to the machineby selecting it from the list of available applications via theScan-to button. Before assigning the software program,you must configure the scan list using the Printer SettingsUtility. For details, see page 2.45.• From the Samsung SmarThru software: Launch SamsungSmarThru and open Scan To to begin scanning. Seepage 6.4.• From the Windows Images Acquisition (WIA) driver: Yourmachine also supports the WIA driver for scanningimages. See page 6.7.• From a USB flash drive: When you insert a USB flash driveinto the USB port in the front of your machine, you canscan and save documents in the USB flash drive bypressing Scan-to. For details, see page 6.8.• From the Network Scan Program: Your machine use theNetwork Scan program for scanning images. Seepage 6.9.N OTES:• To scan with your machine, you must install the MFP driver.• Scanning is done through the same LPT or USB port currentlyassigned for your printer port.• The maximum resolution that can be achieved depends uponvarious factors, including computer speed, available disk space,memory, the size of the image being scanned, and bit depthsettings. Thus, depending on your system and what you arescanning, you may not be able to scan at certain resolutions,especially using enhanced dpi.