xviIn the event of problems, you should contact the Euro QA Lab of Samsung ElectronicsCo., Ltd. in the first instance.The product has been tested against TBR21. To assist in the use and application ofterminal equipment which complies with this standard, the EuropeanTelecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI) has issued an advisory document (EG201 121) which contains notes and additional requirements to ensure networkcompatibility of TBR21 terminals. The product has been designed against, and is fullycompliant with, all of the relevant advisory notes contained in this document.Replacing the Fitted Plug (for UK Only)I MPORTANTThe mains lead for this machine is fitted with a standard (BS 1363) 13 amp plug andhas a 13 amp fuse. When you change or examine the fuse, you must re-fit the correct13 amp fuse. You then need to replace the fuse cover. If you have lost the fuse cover,do not use the plug until you have another fuse cover.Please contact the people from you purchased the machine.The 13 amp plug is the most widely used type in the UK and should be suitable.However, some buildings (mainly old ones) do not have normal 13 amp plug sockets.You need to buy a suitable plug adaptor. Do not remove the moulded plug.W ARNINGIf you cut off the moulded plug, get rid of it straight away.You cannot rewire the plug and you may receive an electric shock if you plugit into a socket.I MPORTANT WARNING : You must earth this machine.The wires in the mains lead have the following color code:• Green and Yellow: Earth• Blue: Neutral• Brown: LiveIf the wires in the mains lead do not match the colors marked in your plug, do thefollowing:You must connect the green and yellow wire to the pin marked by the letter “E” or bythe safety ‘Earth symbol’ or colored green and yellow or green.You must connect the blue wire to the pin which is marked with the letter “N” orcolored black.You must connect the brown wire to the pin which is marked with the letter “L” orcolored red.You must have a 13 amp fuse in the plug, adaptor, or at the distribution board.