TROUBLESHOOTING9.12Clearing LCD Error MessagesDisplay Meaning Suggested solutionsCancel ?1:Yes 2:NoYour machine’s memoryhas become full whiletrying to store adocument into memory.To cancel the fax job, press the 1button to accept “Yes.”If you want to send there pagesthat have been successfullystored, press the 2 button toaccept “No.” You should send theremaining pages later, whenmemory is available.[Comm. Error] The machine has acommunication problem.Ask the sender to try again.DelayedFunction FullThe delayed fax jobsqueue is full.Cancel unnecessary delayed faxjob.Document Jam The loaded documenthas jammed in the ADF(Automatic DocumentFeeder).Clear the document jam. Seepage 9.2.[Door Open] The front door is notsecurely latched.Close the door until it locks intoplace.Enter Again You entered anunavailable item.Enter the correct item again.Low Heat Error There is a problem in thefuser unit.Unplug the power cord and plug itback in. If the problem persists,please call for service.Open Heat Error[Over Heat]FunctionImpossibleYou have tried to use acombination of machinefunctions that can not beused at the same time.Reduce the number of selectedfunctions or use only one functionat a time.Group NotAvailableYou have tried to select agroup location numberwhere only a singlelocation number can beused, such as whenadding locations for abroadcast operation.Use a speed dial number or dial anumber manually using thenumber keypad.