Wireless network setup1672. Using a Network-Connected MachineThe wireless network security window appears when the access point hassecurity setting.The wireless network security window appears. The window may differaccording to its security mode: WEP or WPA.• WEPSelect Open System or Shared Key for the authentication and enter theWEP security key. Click Next.WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) is a security protocol preventingunauthorized access to your wireless network. WEP encrypts the dataportion of each packet exchanged on a wireless network using a 64-bitor 128-bit WEP encryption key.• WPAEnter the WPA shared key and click Next.WPA authorizes and identifies users based on a secret key that changesautomatically at regular intervals. WPA also uses TKIP (Temporal KeyIntegrity Protocol) and AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) for dataencryption.14 The window shows the wireless network settings and check if settingsare right. Click Next.• For the DHCP methodIf the IP address assignment method is DHCP, check if DHCP is shownin the window. If it shows Static, click Change TCP/IP to change theassignment method to DHCP.• For the Static methodIf the IP address assignment method is Static, check if Static is shownin the window. If it shows DHCP, click Change TCP/IP to enter the IPaddress and other network configuration values for the machine.Before entering the IP address for the machine, you must know thecomputer’s network configuration information. If the computer isset to DHCP, you must contact the network administrator to get thestatic IP address.For example:If the computer’s network information is as shown follows:- IP address: Subnet Mask:, the machine’s network information should be as follows:- IP address: Subnet Mask: (Use the computer’s subnet mask.)- Gateway: The wireless network connects according to the network configuration.