Entering Text50Typing a word using the linguistic dictionary(Forward prediction)1. Enter the first character of the word you want.2. You will see a word starting with the firstcharacter you enter in the word prediction boxat the bottom of the display.3. If that word is correct, go to step 4.Alternatively, press the Up or Down key tosearch the word you want to enter.4. Press the key to select it.Example: To enter ( + + + + )using the linguistic dictionary, press the1, 2, 9, 2, 0, and 2 keys. You will see thedesired word in the word predictionbox. Press the key to select the word.Example: To enter ( + + + + +), press the 5, (Virama), 1, 6, and 2keys. Then, you will see in the wordprediction box. Press the key to selectthe word.Example: To enter ( + + + +space + + + + + ) usingthe linguistic dictionary, first press the 5,3, 7, and 3 keys and then you will seein the word prediction box. Press thekey to select the word.Press the key to insert a space for thenext word. Press the 8, 1, 2, (Virama),and 1 keys and then you will seein the word prediction box. Press thekey to select the word.Entering Text51Using Neopad Marathi modeExample: Writing a text messageTyping characters in Neopad Marathi mode1. Press a corresponding key to access the virtualkeypad that contains a character you want. Thecharacters with numbers from 1 to 5 will appearin the virtual keypad at the bottom of thedisplay.If you want to know which key is assigned towhich Marathi characters group, see the table of“List of the characters available in Marathi” onpage 52.2. Press the number key to select thecorresponding character, or press the key totoggle the virtual keypad page to Virama.Note: When you enter a character, you will see thepredicted word on the word prediction box atthe bottom of the display. If you want to knowabout this input method, see the page 54.Otherwise, repeat above steps to enter othercharacters.Text input mode indicator:Neopad Marathi modeVirtual keypad orWord prediction box