Organiser146Calendar (Menu 7.2)With the Calendar feature, you can:• consult the calendar and check your memos.• write memos to keep track of your schedule.• set an alarm to act as a reminder.Consulting the calendarWhen you select the Calendar menu, the calendardisplays with today’s date highlighted. The followingoptions are available when you press the Optionssoft key:Search all: displays all of the memos, starting withthe oldest, regardless of the day. To scroll throughthe memos, press the Left or Right key.Delete all: allows you to delete all of the memos.You are asked to confirm your action.Go to date: allows you to go to a specific date.Exit: exits the Calendar feature and returns to Idlemode.Writing a memoYou can make up to 100 memos. More than onememo can be made for one day.To write or edit a memo on a specific date:1. Select a date on the calendar by using theNavigation keys.Note: To skip to the previous or next month,press the Volume keys on the left side ofthe phone.Organiser1472. Press the key.An empty memo screen displays allowing you toenter your memo.3. Enter your memo and then press the key orOK soft key.Note: For further details about how to entercharacters, see page 45.You are asked if you wish to set an alarm.4. If you want an alarm to ring on the chosen day,press the key.Otherwise, press the Skip soft key. The memo issaved.5. If you pressed the key, enter the time for thealarm and press the key.Note: Your phone is preset to a 24-hour format.To change the format, see page 149.You can also select the melody for the alarm bypressing the Melody soft key.6. If applicable, select AM or PM and press thekey or Select soft key.The colour of the date on the calendar changes togreen to indicate that a memo exists for that date.Viewing a memoWhen you select a day on which more than onememo exists, the latest memo for the day displays.In that case, press the Up or Down key to scroll tothe previous or next memo.