191. Insert a memory card intothe phone.2. In Idle mode, press<Menu> and selectSettings → Phonesettings → USB settings→ Mass storage.3. Connect your phone and PCwith an optional PC datacable.4. Select Open folder toview files when a pop-upwindow appears on your PC.5. Copy files from the PC tothe memory card.6. When you have finished,disconnect the phone fromthe PC.Copy musicfiles to amemory card1. In Idle mode, press<Menu> and select<Music>.2. Press <Options> andselect Add music from → amemory location.3. Press [ ] to select the filesyou want and press <Add>.1. From the music playerscreen, press [ ].2. During playback, use thefollowing keys:• : pause or resumeplayback.• Left: return to theprevious file. Press andhold to scan backward ina file.Create aplaylistPlay musicfiles