Health and safety information42example when you carry a spare battery in apocket or bag. Short-circuiting the terminalsmay damage the battery or the objectcausing the short-circuiting.• Dispose used batteries in accordance withlocal regulations. Always recycle. Do notdispose batteries in a fire.Road safetyYour wireless phone gives you the powerfulability to communicate by voice, almostanywhere, anytime. But an importantresponsibility accompanies the benefits ofwireless phones, one that every user mustuphold.When driving a car, driving is your firstresponsibility. When using your wireless phonebehind the wheel of a car, practice goodcommon sense and remember the followingtips:• Get to know your wireless phone and itsfeatures, such as speed dial and redial. Ifavailable, these features help you to placeyour call without taking your attention offthe road.• When available, use a hands-free device. Ifpossible, add an extra layer of convenienceand safety to your wireless phone with oneof the many hands-free accessories availabletoday.• Position your wireless phone within easyreach. Be able to access your wireless phonewithout removing your eyes from the road. Ifyou get an incoming call at an inconvenienttime, let your voice mail answer it for you.• Let the person you are speaking with knowyou are driving; if necessary, suspend thecall in heavy traffic or hazardous weatherconditions. Rain, sleet, snow, ice, and evenheavy traffic can be hazardous.