71STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, AS TO THEQUALITY, CAPABILITIES, OPERATIONS,PERFORMANCE OR SUITABILITY OF ANYTHIRD-PARTY SOFTWARE OR EQUIPMENT,WHETHER SUCH THIRD-PARTY SOFTWARE OREQUIPMENT IS INCLUDED WITH THE PRODUCTDISTRIBUTED BY SAMSUNG OR OTHERWISE,INCLUDING THE ABILITY TO INTEGRATE ANYSUCH SOFTWARE OR EQUIPMENT WITH THEPRODUCT.THE QUALITY, CAPABILITIES, OPERATIONS,PERFORMANCE AND SUITABILITY OF ANY SUCHTHIRD-PARTY SOFTWARE OR EQUIPMENT LIESOLELY WITH THE PURCHASER AND THEDIRECT VENDOR, OWNER OR SUPPLIER OFSUCH THIRD-PARTY SOFTWARE OREQUIPMENT, AS THE CASE MAY BE.This Limited Warranty allocates risk of Productfailure between Purchaser and SAMSUNG, andSAMSUNG’s Product pricing reflects thisallocation of risk and the limitations of liabilitycontained in this Limited Warranty. The agents,employees, distributors, and dealers ofSAMSUNG are not authorized to makemodifications to this Limited Warranty, or makeadditional warranties binding on SAMSUNG.Accordingly, additional statements such asdealer advertising or presentation, whether oralor written, do not constitute warranties bySAMSUNG and should not be relied upon.