61FDA and the Cellular Telecommunications &Internet Association (CTIA) have a formalCooperative Research and DevelopmentAgreement (CRADA) to do research on wirelessphone safety. FDA provides the scientificoversight, obtaining input from experts ingovernment, industry, and academicorganizations. CTIA-funded research isconducted through contracts to independentinvestigators. The initial research will includeboth laboratory studies and studies of wirelessphone users. The CRADA will also include abroad assessment of additional research needsin the context of the latest researchdevelopments around the world.5. What steps can I take to reduce myexposure to radio frequency energy frommy wireless phone?If there is a risk from these products—and atthis point we do not know that there is—it isprobably very small. But if you are concernedabout avoiding even potential risks, you cantake a few simple steps to minimize yourexposure to radio frequency energy (RF). Sincetime is a key factor in how much exposure aperson receives, reducing the amount of timespent using a wireless phone will reduce RFexposure.If you must conduct extended conversations bywireless phone every day, you could place moredistance between your body and the source ofthe RF, since the exposure level drops offdramatically with distance. For example, youcould use a headset and carry the wirelessphone away from your body or use a wirelessphone connected to a remote antennaAgain, the scientific data do not demonstratethat wireless phones are harmful. But if you areconcerned about the RF exposure from theseproducts, you can use measures like those