Health and Safety Information 107THIS POWER UNIT IS INTENDED TOBE CORRECTLY ORIENTED IN AVERTICAL OR HORIZONTAL OR FLOORMOUNT POSITION.Display / Touch-ScreenPlease note the following information whenusing your mobile device:WARNING REGARDING DISPLAYThe display on your mobile device is madeof glass or acrylic and could break if yourmobile device is dropped or if it receivessignificant impact. Do not use if screen isbroken or cracked as this could causeinjury to you.WARRANTY DISCLAIMER: PROPER USE OF ATOUCH-SCREEN MOBILE DEVICEIf your mobile device has a touch-screendisplay, please note that a touch-screenresponds best to a light touch from the padof your finger or a non-metallic stylus.Using excessive force or a metallic objectwhen pressing on the touch-screen maydamage the tempered glass surface andvoid the warranty. For more information,please refer to the “Standard LimitedWarranty”.GPS & AGPSCertain Samsung mobile devices can use aGlobal Positioning System (GPS) signal forlocation-based applications. A GPS usessatellites controlled by the U.S. Government thatare subject to changes implemented inaccordance with the Department of Defensepolicy and the 2008 Federal Radio navigationPlan (FRP). Changes may affect the performanceof location-based technology on your mobiledevice.Certain Samsung mobile devices can also use anAssisted Global Positioning System (AGPS),which obtains information from the cellularnetwork to improve GPS performance. AGPSuses your wireless service provider's networkand therefore airtime, data charges, and/oradditional charges may apply in accordance withyour service plan. Contact your wireless serviceprovider for details.Your LocationLocation-based information includes informationthat can be used to determine the approximatelocation of a mobile device. Mobile deviceswhich are connected to a wireless networktransmit location-based information. Additionally,if you use applications that requirelocation-based information (e.g. drivingdirections), such applications transmitlocation-based information. The location-based