72Voice MemoRecord a voice note.Recording Voice Memos1. From the Main screen, press theMENU/OK Key ➔ Tools+Settings ➔Tools ➔ Voice Memo ➔ Record.2. Speak your memo. Press PAUSE totemporarily stop recording, or press FINISHto stop recording.Reviewing Voice Memos1. From the Main screen, press theMENU/OK Key ➔ Tools+Settings ➔Tools ➔ Voice Memo ➔ Review.2. Use the Navigation Key to highlight avoice memo.3. While viewing, use these options:• Press REVIEW to listen to the voice memo.• Press OPTIONS for these options:– Delete: Erase the highlighted voice memo.– Delete All: Erase all voice memos.– Edit Caption: Change the name of thehighlighted memo.– Info: View details for the highlighted voicememo.– Send Message: Create a new message withthe voice memo attached.