36Assigning a Picture to a ContactAssign a picture to display each time the contactcalls you.Note: This procedure uses the QWERTY keyboard.Rotate the phone and slide it open to accessthe QWERTY keyboard.1. From the Main screen, press CONTACTS.2. Find a contact, by using theNavigation Keys to browsecontacts, or see “Finding a Contact” onpage 32 Highlight the contact, then pressOPTIONS ➔ Edit Contact.3. Use the Navigation Keys to move to thePicture field, then press ADD for options:• Get New Screen Savers: Connect to theInternet to download a new picture.• None: Remove a picture from this contact.• Take New Picture: Launch Camera to take anew picture.• My Albums: Choose a picture from photosstored on the phone.• Screen Savers: Choose a picture from thoseyou’ve previously downloaded.4. Highlight a picture and press theMENU/OK Key.5. Press DONE to save the contact.Adding Pauses or WaitsCalls to automated systems can require you topress keys to navigate menus, or to enter apassword or account number. You can storethese phone numbers, with special pause or waitcharacters, in a contact record to make dialingeasier.1. From the Main screen, press CONTACTS.2. Create a new contact, or edit an existingcontact. For more information, see “AddingContacts” on page 30, or “EditingContacts” on page 34.3. Enter the phone number up to the pause orwait, then press OPTIONS:• Hard Pause: Stops the dialing sequence, waitingfor further input from you. A “p” appears in thefield to indicate the wait.• 2Sec Pause: Stops the dialing sequence for twoseconds, then automatically dials the remainingdigits. A “t” appears in the field to indicate thepause.4. When you’re finished, press DONE.Note: Multiple pauses extend a pause, and eachpause counts as a digit toward themaximum. For example, 2 consecutive 2SecPauses create a total pause of four seconds,and count as 2 digits.