5 Getting StartedIndicates that position location is active.Indicates that position location is inactive.Indicates that your phone is in web security mode.Indicates that your phone is roaming.Indicates that you have Voicemail, text, picture messages or videomessages waiting.• Press and hold to dial your Voicemail box.Indicates that there is an Urgent Message in your inbox.Indicates that the message is locked. A locked message is not deletedwhen Erase All or Auto Delete are used.Indicates that your phone is in vibrate mode.Indicates that the TTY option is On.Indicates that your phone is set to high ringer plus vibrate mode.Indicates that the ringer is set at a level between 1-8 or that 1-Beep isselected.Indicates Ringer Off + Vibrate mode; the ringer is off and vibrate is on.Indicates Silence All mode; all sound is turned off when ringer is off.Indicates Mute mode; the microphone turned off.Indicates Speaker mode.