41 Messaging3. Press and hold to erase the message. Enter your new messageand press to save. You can also edit the existing message using thekeypad.Note: When you send a message using Preset Messages, the last message selectedautomatically displays as the first choice when sending a new message. This alsoapplies when you edit or add to a message.Edit SignatureThe Edit Signature menu allows you to create a signature of up to 15 charactersthat is automatically appended to all your text messages.To edit your signature, or to turn signatures on or off:1. In the Settings menu, press for Edit Signature.2. Press the navigation key up or down to highlight On or Off and press.3. If signatures are on, your current signature is displayed. Press and holdto erase the signature. Enter your new signature and press theleft softkey for Save. You can also edit the existing signature usingthe keypad.Message AlertsThe Message Alerts menu allows you to configure the volume and messagereminder default settings for voicemail and text messages.Alert VolumeThis option allows you to select the volume level for message alerts for voicemailand text messaging. The level can be set to Ringer off, Vibrate, 1-Beep, or a volumelevel between 1-8.To set the volume:1. In the Settings menu, press for Message Alerts.2. Press for Alert Volume.3. Select the type of message that this alert is for: Voicemail orText Message.4. Press the navigation key up or down to move between ringer options.For Separate Vol., press the navigation key left or right to select thedesired volume level and press the left softkey for Done.