42This function helps stabilize imagescaptured during movie recording. You canselect this menu only in the Movie clipmode. If the memory card is not inserted,this function will not operate. StabiliserBack Move[Off] ( ) : Movie clip frame stabilizer function is disabled.[On] ( ) : Minimises camera shake during movie recording.Ä The recording frame range becomes narrow when you select thismenu.Movie clip frame stabiliserDigital Image Stabilization (DIS)This function helps minimize camera shakewhen capturing a still image.DISBack Move[Off] ( ) : Disables the DIS function when capturing a still image.[On] ( ) : Enables the DIS function when capturing a still image.DISFunctions ( ) Things to watch out for using the DIS function1. The digital zoom will not operate in the DIS function.2. If the lighting condition is brighter than fluorescent lighting condi-tions, the DIS will not activate.3. If the lighting condition is darker than in fluorescent lighting con-ditions, camera shake warning indicator ( Ã ) will display. Forbest results only take pictures in situations where the camerashake warning indicator ( Ã ) is not displayed.4. If the subject is moving, the captured image may be blurred.5. As the DIS uses the camera's digital signal processor, it maytake a little longer for the camera to process and save theimages.