Connections 127Navigating with the Mobile Web1. To select an item, touch an entry.2. To return to the previous page, touch Back or press .3. Press the Options soft key to access the following options:• Home [0]: returns you to the homepage where youstarted.• Go to URL: allows you to enter a URL address to awebsite.• History: displays a list of the last sites visited. You canbrowse to any of these sites by selecting them in yourHistory list.• Go to Bookmarks: displays a list of your bookmarkedsites. You can browse to any of these sites by selectingthem in your Bookmarks list.• Add to Bookmarks: allows you to add a URL to yourbookmark list. This option does not appear initially at thehome page.• Reload: reloads the current page.• Find in Page: allows you to search in the current page.• Settings: allows you to change the way you view yourweb pages by changing these options:– Load images: allows you to choose whether to load images.– Image quality: allows you to adjust from Low, Medium, or High.– Font size: allows you to set font size: Small, Medium, Large, or Extralarge.– Mobile view: allows you to choose how you view the web: MobileWeb view or HTML web view.– Landscape mode: changes your display to landscape.– Show overview: when checked, the desktop view appearszoomed out after a page is loaded. When unchecked, the desktop viewappears zoomed in.– 24-hour clock: allows you to change between 12-hour and24-hour clock format.TabsURL FieldYahoo SearchField